Organic Wild and Raw.MY ORGANIC GARDEN
About Organic Wild and Raw Food
We grow our own organic food, fruit and vegetables, and pick and forage for wild edible leaves and flowers. We eat a lot of our food raw, and I want to share some delicious ideas and recipes, that are simple and good for your body and soul, and a feast for your eyes.
Raw food... fuel for body, mind and soul...

My garden in May.

This site and our garden are a work in progress..
Welcome to my site. I've put some recipes on here because people keep asking me for them.
I started with an alkalysing diet nearly four years ago for health reasons. I'll post more about that as I go along. I don't yet know what else this site will contain or indeed who might be interested....Anyway...here it is...a few pictures of our garden, a few recipes, and some foraging ideas.
Copyright 2023 © Company name. No animals were harmed in the making.